Make your self-published book
a success with these tips...

How to make your book cover stand out so you attract more readers

We all know the saying ‘you should never judge a book by its cover’, but your cover is the first impression your prospective readers will get of your book. So how can you make it stand out and connect with your audience?

Here are 7 top tips to help your cover stand out from the crowd:

1. Employ a professional cover designer

Designing the cover yourself can look amateurish, and give a poor overall impression of the quality of your writing. It’s worth using a professional book cover designer to get a great final product and do your writing justice.

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The Top 5 Inexpensive Things Authors Can Do to Sell More Self-Published Books…

1. Set up a blog

These days you can start a blog for free with

Commit some time each day to write posts on your blog. People who find your blog can interact with you and others through your blog comments system and you can quickly build a following this way.

Alternatively you can start a blog on a domain name (your name or a book name of yours) and host it on a web hosting service like Godaddy, Bluehost or any reliable hosting service. This option is preferable as you own the domain and site, and are not just using somebody else’s platform, as you would if you used

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