“Peter’s commitment, timeliness, and
willingness to allow unlimited changes
was what drew me to him”

Click play to hear what A.B. Wolverton
Author of ‘The Witch Chronicles’ thinks of our book cover designs.

Tell us a little about yourself

My name is Anna Wolverton. I am a hospice nurse in a 20 bed unit. I’ve been nursing since 1995. Have traveled the world and jumped out of an airplane about a thousand times. As you can see I like adventure. Writing is a new interest of mine.

How long have you been writing?

On and off for years, but hard core these last two years.

What got you started writing?

It was a sudden event. It just started flowing and never stopped. Not sure, just a big kid needing to get out.

What was your experience or frustrations regarding creating a cover.
Did you try to make one yourself?

No frustrations at all. I looked around at photo stock but nothing caught my eye.

How did you find Peter?

I believe it was a blog through Createspace. I liked your answer to someone’s concerns in regard to their cover and their lack of control and minimal changes allowed.

What fears or reservations did you have when searching for a designer?


What attracted you to BespokeBookCovers?

I found your website on the blog. You answered it very professionally with nothing to gain. You did leave your web page which was great for me! The work you have done before was excellent and I knew you could do the same.

What was the process like working with them?

Wonderful and easy. Peter’s commitment, timeliness, and willingness to allow unlimited changes was what drew me to him.

How did you feel about the result?

Loved it! Cool

What difference has the new cover design made to your success?

I asked for something that catches the eye, and it sure as heck does.
It’s very different, not too busy, and enticing.